Minnesota Association of Dance Teams
Uniforms for Sale?
Please create a Google Slide or Canva Slide and share the link with us to post your uniforms. Uniforms will be posted for 90 days and then removed. If you would like them reposted please email: madtwebsite@gmail.com or fill out the form below. MADT reserves the right not to post uniforms that are too far outside of the current MSHSL uniform guidelines. Entries could take up to 7 days to be posted. Thank you for your patience.
Uniforms for Sale Documents
If you would like your Uniforms for Sale document posted here, please send the link to madtwebsite@gmail.com. It will be posted within 7 days and will stay posted for 90 days.
1.29.25 Little Falls
Submit your costume listings to madtwebsite@gmail.com or fill out the form below, please make sure its a Google or Canva Slidedeck or PDF file.