Minnesota Association of Dance Teams
MADT Mentorship Program
The MADT Mentorship Program seeks to assist in building connections between new coaches and those who have been involved in the profession and organization for several years. The goals of this program are to strengthen the profession, strengthen the MADT organization and have fun in the process.
Mentorship Program FAQs
What are mentorship circles?
New this year are Mentorship Circles. We will have Zoom calls throughout the season and talk about various topics.
How are the Circles Broken Up?
Every circle will be lead by MADT directors and a few with Activity Advisory. The circles are broken up by level of coaching, Head Coach, Assistant Coach, JV/B-Squad Coach and Rookie Coaches. Actvity Advisory circles are broken up by Class, Class A, AA, and AAA.
What Topics are discussed?
Each circle will have different topics for their zooms. And are always open to suggestions or pressing matters, to help make your season a success.
Is it too late to join the circles this year?
Absolutely Not! Sign-up in the Member's Page and we will get you added to the list.
Mentorship Committee Contacts:
Marissa Haakonson - Contact